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Welcome to Wait Time Now

Wait Time Now is built to crowdsource wait time to enter a store or checkout during Covid-19 outbreak.

As many stores start to limit the number of people in their stores to enforce social distancing and prevent the spread of Covid-19, the queue to enter the store is getting longer. Many of us would like to get near real time infos about the wait time for stores before heading out.

Share the wait time by TEXTing it to (415)319-9114

TEXT format: Target 2800 Dublin Blvd Dublin CA 20 mins

See all the wait times shared and collected here

Thank you for helping our community in this time of need.

This is a hackathon project built by Wei Shung Chung and Joe Tang during April 4th Covid-19 Online Hackathon organized by AI For Mankind.

Note: You may incur messaging costs from your carrier.

Please scan the QR code below to make donation to keep this WaitTimeNow service up and running

Please donate to keep this WaitTimeNow service up and running

Contact Us if You Want to Sponsor this Project. Your sponsorship will help keep this service running.